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Angela's Blog

The Punch

Updated: Aug 15, 2023

I thought I would just spend my day in the glory of all the good things that happened to me, I thought I could celebrate with the love of my life, “I thought, I thought, I thought!” But my thoughts were hindered by the reality of what I thought of him in the beginning was just an illusion of my mind. There are moments in our life where we know it’s time to take a bow; you know, “Run Forest, Run.” Don’t stop to think, don’t pass go, don’t collect $200. Just exit left and know that it is ok let go.

As you get older, you realize that you’ve gotten tired of all the extra bull shit that loving him has placed on your heart, the opening and closing of each valve screams pure exhaustion and frankly you simply can’t breath. The cooking, the cleaning, the lady in the street but the freak between the sheets, all in the name of love; But what is love but a mere illusion of some made up emotion that only God can understand, or is it something out of the matrix that we only fully achieve once our body reconnects with the elements of the universe. Only with the imagination of your deepest thoughts are you able to manifest the affairs of the heart. Until then push the button on the alarm clock, place both feet firmly on the floor and know dreams do come true. Don’t stop to think about it, walk in it and even when it hurts, because It’s still a beautiful day to have a beautiful day.


Just ASK

Angela S. Kennedy

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